"Male Incontinence Products": What A Difference A
Decade Can Make
Men Living With Incontinence

Male Incontinence Products: What A Difference A Decade Can Make

There were a lot of incredible moments and events that took place back in the 1990s, some made us cheer; some made us stop and think, and some even made us a little angry, but we made it through it all and for the most part I think we all are the wiser because of it. President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary ushered in a new era in politics where spousal input was carried to whole new heights, and what about Troy Aikman and elusive running back Emmett Smith leading the Dallas Cowboys to multiple championships and two ’Super Bowl’ appearances. Man! What a decade.

But unfortunately there were troubling facts about that era that left many of us baffle and upset. For instance, not one manufacturer made one dedicated product for male incontinence sufferers. Not one. We were treated as if we didn’t exist. Not one manufacturer listened to what we had to say and then made a commitment to produce products that were specifically conceived and designed exclusively for men. No not one. In a decade that brought about so many wonderful and life changing discoveries; when it came to men incontinence products we were all but forgotten—no one seemed to care.

Male incontinence products were a phrase that simply did not exist. Men who suffered with urinary incontinence were left on their own to deal with their condition. Men who suffered with urge or urgency incontinence had to rely on their own ingenuity to try and create some type of crude protective wrapping that would act as a reservoir or some kind of fabric made damn that would halt runaway urine—unfortunately it didn’t work. It was not uncommon to see some men deep in thought trying to construct home made underwear that might act as a ‘urine catcher’ with the ability of a Johnny Bench or somebody.

It was heart winching just trying to make it through that era without drowning—in urine.Manufacturers’ who produce incontinence products have always catered to females. Perhaps it’s because females make up about
80% of all people that are incontinent and today that number is believed to be around 200 million worldwide, I don’t have the figures for the 1990s but I believe it is safe to assume that it was at least from 100 to 150 million females who were incontinent in that era.

There’s no doubt the market for female incontinence sufferers is staggering and any company that is able to capture the lion’s share of it will make billions and billions of dollars annually, but what about the male market that brings up the other 20%? Although their numbers are significantly smaller, yet it would have produced a handsome profit for some resourceful manufacturers back in the 1990s and/or the 1980s as well. Why was such a potentially lucrative market shunned and tossed aside for greener pastures? Did anyone even care? Why? Why? Why?

Today is the dawning of a new era in male incontinence products. With a new millennium has come a totally new and exciting approach to male incontinence products. Designers, engineers, scientist, entrepreneurs, and manufacturers have worked together in a tireless effort to bring about a whole new awakening for male incontinence products. Unlike never before
products that are conceived and constructed just for men; products that were made from the input manufacturers got by listening directly to the men who would be wearing them.

 Some manufacturers' enlisted the services of surgeons, urologists and
primary care givers, as well as male incontinence sufferers and their personal care givers to help them create a much better product that would serve men better than before; products that would prove to be durable and consistent in protecting and managing urine storage and voiding/passing.Manufacturers wanted desperately to erase the stigma and negative public perception of male incontinence products and usher in a new era where the public in general would view male incontinence products favorably.

 Male incontinence products were designed to be as inconspicuous as humanly possible and yet be efficient and effective as they need to be in order to offer complete protection without the possibility of failure—every time. Male incontinence products had to be elevated to a level of scientific proficiency; never again will male incontinence sufferers have to rely on garage constructed underwear again—never!

 Just take a look at some of the wonderful new and innovative incontinence products that are now on the market for all types of male incontinence sufferers: Incontinence diapers, bladder control products, incontinence pads, incontinence pants, disposable incontinence, incontinence pads, incontinence briefs, incontinence bed pads, incontinence aids, incontinence disposable diapers, incontinence absorbent diapers, incontinence disposable underwear, internal and external catheters, Cunningham clamps, plastic underwear, portable urinals, incontinence guards, and the list goes on and on.

In conclusion, there once was a time that really existed when males who were incontinent had to pretty much rely on their own crude contraptions to help provide some level of protection in the never ending fight against urinary incontinence. But thank goodness those days are gone for good and today there are a large number of incontinent products available for males who suffer with incontinence. It doesn’t matter what form or type of incontinence men suffer with these days; there are a large variety of products to choose from and the list keeps growing daily.

So gentlemen you are at liberty to take a sigh of relief knowing that whatever you need in the realm of male incontinence products, it’s probably already on the market and you can bet if it is not it will be shortly—very shortly, that’show things work for us today.

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