

Patios... Are For Fun And Family Gatherings--All Year Round!

What better place for fun and relaxing than the patio? Every year when summer rolls around you can be sure that all across America patios are the gathering place for outdoor fun and social gatherings. Oh, for sure, if there's a pool in the backyard that's great too, but a pool in the backyard without a patio is like summer without the sun.

From elaborate structures that simply inspires awe to crude canopies  that challenge your sense of logic; patios are what summers are made of. Being able to exist the house into an open cool spot can't help but make you feel good. And what about the grill; your favorite lawn chair; the patio table where good conversation with friends and  family seems to never end. It's no wonder that over the past decades patios have become a fixture in American summers, and all across the good old USA good times and unforgettable fun  happens on millions of patios all across America each and every summer.

And the fun is just not relegated to the summertime alone, from Memorial Day weekend to fall grid-iron classics, patios have proven to be one of the best ideas man have ever come up with...at least that's how I see it, and from looking around me I don't think I'm going to get much debate from my neighbors. Hamburgers, ballpark franks, smoke sausages, smoke salmon and chicken...and how can you forget 'bar-be-cue ribs'! Man, my mouth becomes watery just to think about it. And what about all the tasty drinks and  ice cold beverages
that everybody seems to love? It's no wonder that kids of all ages love the fun and gatherings on the patio.

But what about the patio when it hasn't been properly cared for and maintained? What about each season of the year that comes and goes leaving behind its very own residue? Although fall's foliage is beautiful and breathtaking with the leaves dressed out in all their splendor and glory; leaves left on patio decks can leave the slab or flooring stained and discolored. And what about April's showers that can quickly create an ideal breeding place for mildew spores and black mold as well, especially in the southern part of the country where warmth and moisture are ideal breeding conditions for many different types of funguses that can dissemate an area like a patio with unbelievable quickness?

Your patio really can be a swell place for fun, food, and gathering for friends and family; but it can also be a breeding place for mosquitoes, mildew, mold and even salmonella and trichinosis, caused by the trichina worm; if all areas and cooking utensils along with tables and stands are not adequately cleaned and sterilized with bleach and a real good alkaline cleaning solution.

Pressure washing your patio can be a very good method in keeping the place clean, however if your patio's flooring is not a concrete slab you should check with the manufacturer of the flooring of your  patio and follow their recommended directions for cleaning and maintaining the floor. Remember, when pressure cleaning your deck do not use brute force to remove stains and funguses, instead, use quality, safe and bio-degradeable cleaning solutions that are pet friendly and environmentally safe. To obtain more in depth material on pressure washing please feel free to click on the link.


Keeping your patio clean and sanitized is really the only way to go. With family and friends gathering for fun under the sun, and the kids and grand kids running around having a blast; it only makes sense to do your very best to make sure your patio is a safe and clean place for all to gather...year round. So go the extra distance in keeping your patio a fun area for all to enjoy, after all, when it's time for fun who has time for sickness...or even worse? Have a great summer, Don.

Disclaimer: The author of this article and any and all other articles written by him assumes no responsibility for any injuries or worse resulting from the content of this article or any other article he has written. Please consult a reputable contractor in your area. Thank you.

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