"Incontinence Clamps"
Men Living With Incontinence

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Incontinence Men Clamps are all constructed with one purpose in mind: stopping the involuntary release of urine through light compression and shutting off the urethra.

Incontinence clamps are devices that are engineered to help prevent urine leakage, thereby proving to be another useful method in male incontinence management. Clamps come in many designs and are made of different materials, but they are all constructed with one purpose in mind: stopping the involuntary release of urine through light compression of the and shutting off the urethra.

There are several companies that manufacture and distribute clamps. Although the styles and materials may differ from one manufacturer to another, it affords the consumer a contrast in products and selections that offer choices that can provide greater suitability from one person to the next.

With the ever advancing technology in clamps, more men are now able to choose a clamp that is more of a personal fit for him. Male clamp technology has come a long way since its inception in the world of male urine management. From a one model fits all product, to many models that are designed to accommodate the wide range of difference in the male anatomy; clamp technology has evolved into a major component in the treatment of urinary incontinence.

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