"Urinary Incontinence"
Men Living With Incontinence

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Urinary Incontinence In Men
is the involuntary voiding or passing of urine. Generally speaking, when a person has urinary incontinence his inability to manage the voiding or passing of urine in his bladder is oftentimes a warning (symptom) that something else is wrong with his body and that urinary incontinence is simply a symptom of that problem. In almost all cases urinary incontinence can be traced back to OAB---overactive bladder.

OAB or overactive bladder is the sudden involuntary contracting of the muscle (detrusor) in the wall of the urinary bladder. It can cause urge incontinence, a from of incontinence where the bladder has an overwhelming need to relieve itself instantly, without a moment's notice.

This is where the trouble begins; unable to reach the bathroom in time is the source of many accidents for incontinence sufferers. The embarrassment of the situation can create profound psychological disorders such as paranoia.

Many men who are incontinent become reclusive and depressive. It is not uncommon for incontinence sufferers to develop even more serious problems both physical and psychological due to the mental and emotional stress caused by urinary incontinence. That is why it is so important for those who have the symptoms to seek medical help as soon as possible.

Urinary incontinence is a curable condition in almost all cases, however, with getting delayed help the problem can become compounded exponentially by putting undue stress on other organs in the body. Truth be told, most men do not recognize incontinence as a medical problem that should be handle by a physician---initially. Many don't usually seek out a doctor until two or three years after contracting it. Many deal with the problem by simply going to the bathroom as many times as they need to. Only a modest few seek to change their behavioral patterns in order to try and lower their visits to the bathroom.

The macho attitude of most men is the number one reason why urinary incontinence can be the underlying cause behind major problems that some men end up facing. Urinary incontinence left untreated can result in infections that can damaged the kidneys and other vital organs. Delaying a visit to see a doctor concerning urinary incontinence can turn out to be a major mistake

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