"Incontinence Definition"
Men Living With Incontinence

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What is the Definition of Incontinence?  


The unintentional passing or voiding of urine, or the inability to control and manage urine. It is not a disease,  but the consequences of involuntary loss of urine that can be debilitating to a person's self-esteem, social life, and job.  It is a condition that can cause sever psychological distress and mental anguish. And to make matters worse, men who are incontinent are highly reluctant to seek out medical attention in the early stages of urinary incontinence; instead, they often try to deal with it through a few behavioral modifications at best, or in most cases they decide to keep it to themselves and deal with it in silence by doing nothing until conditions get so bad they are forced to seek medical intervention.
 Many men who suffer from urinary incontinence have all but given up on an outgoing and active lifestyle to avoid embarrassing and humiliating scenes from being unable to manage or control urine passing. A number of documented cases of men with incontinence have shown self imposed isolation; avoidance of public and social events, as well as family gatherings, as a way of dealing with urinary incontinence. Some men who have experienced episodes of urinary incontinence in public become angry and bitter toward themselves and totally withdraw from society completely. Filled with shame and dejection they begin to give up on themselves and life in general.

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